Get Involved
Healing Pathway training has four phases. Each phase is a prerequisite to the next. The first two phases are held in congregational or community settings. Phases 3 and 4 are usually held in a retreat setting. All workshops are interactive and experiential.
To find a current listing of all workshops, please click on the “Workshops” link in the menu.
Healing Pathway Workshops
Introductory Workshop (13-15hrs)

Connect into, and experience heart-centered energy.

Offer and receive energy healing sessions.

Learn specific self-care practices: centering, grounding, and meditation.

Be welcomed into a supportive and caring healing community.
Participant Reflections
Awakened my connection to Source, Divine, Love
Deepened my connection and understanding of self – to know I can grow and heal
Actively participated in prayer, meditations, and healing sessions
Better understand how everything is connected and learning to accept the unknown
Phase 2 is made up of two workshops: Healing from the Heart and Where Two or More Gather. Either one can be experienced first.
Both workshops provide opportunities for deepening the experience of healing and connecting to Divine healing power. Phase 1 is a prerequisite for both workshops.
Healing from the Heart Workshop (13-15hrs)

Continue to develop and practise being a heart-centered, healing presence.

Deepen self-awareness and understanding through exploration of spiritual practices and self-care.

Learn about effective use of dialogue to deepen the healing process.

Learn and practise new healing sequences and review techniques from Phase 1.
Participant Reflections
Experienced being part of a supportive, welcoming, and caring community
Inclusive, safe, and confidential space created for everyone to show up as they are called
I loved learning to communicate with a receiver during a session and all the new techniques like the Heart of Christ Connection, learning and practicing heart-centred awareness was powerful
Deepened my understanding of healing energy through both offering and receiving healing sessions
Better understand the power of the heart connection which connects and heals us all
Where Two or More Gather (13-15hrs)

Continue to practice being a heart-centered, healing presence, and developing a spiritual connection.

Learn surface anatomy of the neck, back, and head.

Learn and practice specific healing sequences for the neck, back, and head.

Learn about and experience a group healing session.
Participant Reflections
Loved being in a caring, safe, and nurturing community
Learned new techniques to support people with back issues
Continued to deepen my spiritual connection and faith by both offering and receiving healing sessions
Practice and guided facilitation supported my learning and improved my confidence
Communion of Saints (30-35hrs held in a retreat setting)

Continue to deepen, grow, and open to personal process and connection with spiritual guidance.

Learn grounding through our physical bodies.

Learn more about the chakras and the energy fields.

Continue to learn and practise new and familiar healing techniques
Participant Reflections
Deepened my understanding of myself energetically and how I work as an energetic being
Broadened my understanding of the human energy system
Continued to expand my learning, trust, faith, and spiritual development
Being in community, in a retreat setting, allowed for transformative personal growth
Practicum A and B (35-40hrs each usually held in a retreat setting and approximately one year apart)
Self-care and Self-exploration Journey
at the workshop and over the course of a year of independent study with a mentor, participants will:

Establish rapport and build trust with a mentor while being supported on the journey.

Review all aspects of the Healing Pathway – techniques, prayers, meditations, and self-reflections.

Experience more intensive healing experiences with in-depth work with one receiver and time-intensive work with a variety of receivers. Complete the assignment schedule of personal development experiences over the course of a year.

Gather in community to share meditations, healing sessions, and self-reflection.

Share experiences, aha moments, personal growth, and assignments.

Celebrate completion and gifts received.

Once you have completed Practicum B, there is an opportunity to take on a leadership role as Healing Pathway Instructor.
To begin the application process, please contact the Healing Pathway Society Assistant for further information by clicking on the “support” link above.
Participant Reflections
My year-long journey was transformative. It changed me in ways personally and spiritually that I never expected.
All of the assignments and my life story gave me greater insights, deepened my faith, and reminded me of who and how I am called to be.
Connecting with my cojourners, my mentor, and instructors gave me the support and inspiration I needed to walk this path.
My practicum year provided time for me to review all healing sequences, receive healing, and focus on self-care.