Who We Are
Rochelle Graham, a Healing Touch practitioner, started the Healing Pathway Program in 1993. For the next three years, Rochelle travelled across Canada teaching workshops. The program found its home at Naramata Centre in British Columbia in 1996 until 2015 when it became an incorporated society.
Since its grassroots beginnings, the training of practitioners and instructors has continued to expand across Canada. There are presently over a hundred Healing Pathway ministries in Canada. Healing ministries mostly find homes within United Church congregations, but introductory sessions and workshops are offered at retreats and conferences, locally, nationally, and internationally.
Healing from the Heart: A Guide to Christian Healing for Individuals and Groups was written in 1998 by Rochelle Graham, Flora Litt, and Wayne Irwin. It is a foundational resource and, guide for the Healing Pathway Program.